September 24, 2008


Johnny Romano RIP

Words By Chris Donmoyer:

It almost brings me tears to write about another skateboarder dying. Little Johnny Romano has passed away. I never had the opportunity to meet him or his family but we did send our best wishes for a recovery through his parents blog/website. This is a reminder to all to not dwell on the little things. I'm not one to judge what is small or big in someone's eyes but just know it's a lot easier to move on when you greet people with happiness and love. Forgive one another. Death is something that happens to all but when someone special is taken from effects a wide group of people. Be sure to remind yourself that love is above all. Get inspired from what Johnny was able to do...he touched so many people around him. Love one another and share those times cause it's always cut short. Roll on forever my friend.

Here is a text I sent to a friend after meditating a few nights ago. I thought a lot about death and love that night. Maybe something you can relate to when death happens around us:

" this morning I passed an older man walking up a hill and looking pretty winded. He was looking up at the sky as if he was saying "take me". I also just passed what looked to be a starving kitten walking on the shoulder of the highway. I wanted to stop and somehow attempt to save it. Trying to stop at 70mph on the highway is kind of tough. This made me analyze or maybe over analyze death. Last night I reflected a lot on life. Just know time is cut short so open up and release feelings. As I'm driving and trying to write this...I just passed your school cause there was construction going on. Embrace your family and everyone with love...always. Not sure what all of this means but maybye death is right around the corner for me. I'm not afraid but kind of bummed if I never said or did enough..."
One of our employees, Damian wrote a little article as well. Please read below for Damain's article. We also listed some websites if you wish to contribute and write something to the family of Johnny.

Words By Damian Calihan:

Today skateboarding lost one of its best, not by how many gold medals he had, or by his TV show, but he was one of the best because of his will.

We as a community generally share one trait, a will to conquer the impossible, paying no attention to whatever the odds may be. He was probably more courageous than any of us may have to be. I did not know him personally but became aware of his cause through my friends at Deluxe who made sure the world would know of his smile and determination. Let us not forget this little guy was a ripper that loved his life on a skateboard.

Johnny Romano and his family dealt with so much more than anyone should have to endure.

With sorrow I extend my deepest condolences to the Romano family while I am inspired by your bravery.

Shred on Johnny and rest in peace, Little Brother.

Please do not take life for granted and live each day to the fullest not taking the time to worry about the superficial things in life.

Bravery is not caring that you may be beat but still fighting. Johnny Romano was a brave man in the physical and continues to be a brave man as his spirit shall be a beacon through the fog. Guide us on young warrior and teach us to be brave like you were in life.

My deepest condolences to his family and all that were close to him.

His bravery was a gift to all of us!

RIP Johnny Romano

Please go to the Deluxe Distribution website for more information on Johnny and how you can help.

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