Lots of new stuff arrived but we haven't had time to take photos for the site. Just got a bunch of Tom Geilfuss' pro model decks! We're hyped on Tom and always will be. Check out his new ad in the latest Focus Skate Magazine! We also have a bunch of trucks and wheels arriving tomorrow. New shop decks are in along with some new shoes, new decks from other companies, clothing, etc. Just stop in!
Pusher Wheels just put this awesome commercial together. It was put together by Chris Mulhern. Chris just recently put out a video called "This Time Tomorrow". If you haven't seen it, you should pick up a copy at the shop with a fresh set of Pusher Wheels. Pretty amazing!
Check out Vu and Underground Wheel Company's Gary Smith, along with Vu team rider Ryan Boblits in this video that Underground posted from their eastcoast tour.